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Annual meeting of the Arab Sectoral Federations no. 38 20 / 10 / 2010
Electing Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen for the five divisions of the Arab sectoral federations as recommended by the CAEU committee  
Meeting of Syrian BOD members 18 / 10 / 2010
The members of the board of AFEI from Syria discuss topics proposed by the general secretariat for uploading on the AFEI  
Water Desalination Conference 28 / 09 / 2010
Policy makers on the national level, representatives of the private sector, municipalities, and other beneficiaries of water  
Meeting with Regional Director of Scottish Aid 25 / 07 / 2010
In response to invitation from the AFEI Chairman, a meeting with the Scottish Aid regional director was held in presence  
Young Industrialists Committee meeting 02 / 07 / 2010
After a tour in "Liban Câble" premises, the young industrialists discussed their accomplishments in building a database  
First National Awareness Seminar on Social Responsibility 28 / 06 / 2010
The Syrian Arab Standards and Metrology Organization held an awareness raising seminar on Social Responsibility Standard  
AFEI BOD meeting 17 / 05 / 2010
The BOD recommended to document activities of members and to make them available through the general secretariat, and decided  
Forum of Experts and specialists in Metrology & Calibration of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment 15 / 05 / 2010
The Arab Federation of Engineering Industry, the Arab Federation for Metrology, and other organizations exchanged experience  
AFEI General Assembly meeting 14 / 05 / 2010
Meeting #26 of AFEI general assembly held in Cairo with a special focus on documenting the activities of member companies  
4th meeting of MENA-OECD Working Group 2 on SME Policy, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Development 29 / 03 / 2010
The meeting was held within the framework of the MENA-OECD Investment Program, and in cooperation with the Ministry of International