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Young Industrialists Committee meeting 06 / 03 / 2010
After taking a tour in Daaboul Industrial Group premises, the young industrialists at AFEI formulated their common objectives,  
Project for setting the National Policy for Science, Technology, and Innovation in Syria 01 / 03 / 2010
In March 2010, the Higher Commission for Scientific Research (HCSR) started the implementation of activities within its project  
1st EuroArab Conference on SMEs 20 / 02 / 2010
The conference is an activity that interprets the AFEI focus on linking education with industry, developing SMEs, and social  
Regional Seminar on Strengthening the National Innovation Systems 16 / 02 / 2010
The seminar was organized within the framework of the regional project "Promotion of Innovation and Technology for SMEs in  
Meeting of Syrian BOD members 10 / 02 / 2010
The members of the board of AFEI in Syria agreed on supporting the "Euro-Arab Conf. on SMEs", and discussed capacity building  
AFEI BOD meeting 21 / 01 / 2010
The BOD held its meeting in the presence of young industrialists' representatives and the director of Federations Directorate  
Workshop on draft study of the National Innovation System in Syria 18 / 11 / 2009
The regional gtz project "Promotion of Innovation and Technology for SMEs in the Near East" prepared a study of the National  
Meeting of the Arab young industrialists 25 / 10 / 2009
The second row in the member companies met to create links with the founders and amongst themselves, and a Committee for  
Meeting of Egyptian BOD members 01 / 08 / 2009
During their meeting in Cairo, Egyptian members of the board in AFEI discussed about the implementation of the AFEI General  
Launching meeting: the Restructuring and Modernization of the Standardization System in Syria 15 / 07 / 2009
The meeting identified the main challenges (legislative, administrative, organizational) facing the restructuring of the