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Home > About AFEI > Workshop on "Protecting the Arab industry within the framework of WTO rules"
Workshop on "Protecting the Arab industry within the framework of WTO rules"

07 / 11 / 2012 - 08 / 11 / 2012 (Cairo, Egypt)

In cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Egypt, Studies, Research and Training Center – CAEU organized a workshop titled "Protecting the Arab industry within the framework of WTO rules".

The objective of the workshop is to introduce to factories operating in Egypt the services of ANTI-DUMPING, SUBSIDIES, & SAFEGUARD DEPARTMENT which help in limiting the impact on local industry resulting from the application of WTO rules.

Following the official opening, the first session was dedicated to representatives of manufacturers and Arab federations' explanations of the problems that their industries are facing as a result of applying the WTO rules. The workshop covered in details the procedures for filling in the complaint application.

Downloadable files:

Workshop agenda


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