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6th Arab Forum on SMEs 24 / 04 / 2012
AFEI presented a paper to the 6th Arab Forum on SMEs; and the forum recommended working on simplifying the administrative  
4th Forum on Successful Management Practices 21 / 02 / 2012
The Arab Administrative Development Organization organized the forum in cooperation with the HRD Ministry in Sudan, and JIAD  
Project for setting the National Policy for Science, Technology, and Innovation in Syria 01 / 01 / 2012
The Higher Commission for Scientific Research (HCSR) continued its project "Setting the national policy for science, technology,  
3rd German-Arab Education and Vocational Training Forum 06 / 10 / 2011
Ghorfa & iMove organize the forum as a platform for companies and institutions in the sector of education to expand and strengthen  
Launching conference for TRESMED 4 03 / 10 / 2011
The conference focused on hot issues in the Arab countries: status of youth and employment, training & youth, and dialogue  
National Apprenticeship Committee meeting 30 / 09 / 2011
The representatives of the business sector and the Education sector discussed amendments to the third draft of Decree establishing  
Launching LM Report 2010-2011 in Syria 27 / 07 / 2011
AFEI representatives participated in the launching event of the first LM report in Syria which presented data analysis of  
Launching conference of the regional project "Social Partnership in VET in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region" 18 / 07 / 2011
The conference clarified the methodology of the regional project (implemented by ETF) which aims at contributing to strengthening  
Wrap-up Regional Seminar on "Approaches to Innovation Policy Design for SMEs" 01 / 06 / 2011
The seminar was the final event of the regional project "Promotion of Innovation and Technologies for SMEs in the Near East"  
"Services for Innovating Firms" workshop 28 / 04 / 2011
A delegation from Syria participated in the workshop that was organized by CMI, EIB, and WBI within the framework of the  