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Launching LM Report 2010-2011 in Syria

27 / 07 / 2011 (Damascus, Syria)

AFEI representatives participated in the launching event of the first LM report in Syria which presented data analysis of the supply and demand sides of LM for 2009-2010 and reflected the labor force situation and LM changes. Such information supports decision making at different institutions (especially those concerned with the human resources), setting economic and social (micro/macro) policies, as well as decision making on the implementation level.

This study was based on 2 surveys implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MOSAL) in cooperation with the Central Bureau of Statistics within the framework of the UNDP project "Establishment of a Database for a Comprehensive Labor and Employment Policy in Syria ".

Results showed challenges of priority to be addressed in governmental measures and plans, namely:

1)    Constant pressure on the LM and increasing number of the entrants (due to high population growth).

2)    Increase in dependency rate.

3)    Low economic participation of women.

4)    Continuous mismatch between the output of the education system and the LM needs.

Related links:

United Nations Development Program in Syria

Downloadable files

WS Agenda, Presentation

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