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Home > About AFEI > Annual meeting of the Arab Sectoral Federations no. 41
Annual meeting of the Arab Sectoral Federations no. 41

14 / 11 / 2013 - 15 / 11 / 2013 (Beirut, Lebanon)

A delegation from AFEI joined the meeting which was held in Beirut, Lebanon and attended by chairmen and general secretaries of the Arab Sectoral Federations as well as business men and women.

The Chairman of the Arab Federation for Metrology presented a paper summarizing the federation's efforts towards unified standards for various products in order to facilitate the inter-Arab countries trade and the equal effort to harmonize the Arab standards with the international ones in order to open a market for the Arab products. He described the plan to build a quality assessment labs for food products within the ten member countries of the federation and then to expand to other products.

The General Secretary of the CAEU referred to the engagement of the Arab Sectoral Federations through the structure of five main sectors under the umbrella of CAEU and proposed an idea to establish a Board of Directors for the federations with CAEU acting as a secretariat for it. The discussion ended up with an agreement to give a chance to the federations to get their feedback about the effectiveness of this idea, and propose operational details in a designated meeting to be held mid January.

The attendees discussed the first draft of the proposed Arab Investment & Trade working mechanism. It was agreed to form a working group and assign it the task of deepening the concepts of the mechanism and to present a paper to the meeting mid January.

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