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Home > About AFEI > Meeting of Syrian BOD members
Meeting of Syrian BOD members

18 / 10 / 2010 (Damascus, Syria)

During their meeting on 18/10/2010 in Damascus, members of the board of AFEI from Syria discussed the CAEU memo concerning the recommendation to develop the work of registered federations through grouping them in five sub-sectors (organizational issue not affecting operation), got informed of the topics proposed by the general secretariat for publishing on the website, and decided to circulate the letter received from European-Arabic Engineers Union announcing the organization of 1st European-Arab Engineers Forum on October 2011 and inviting AFEI members to promote, sponsor, and attend the forum.

The meeting also tackled the request of SPC to set a meeting with members in Syria (as representatives of employers) during the visit of the delegation from Brussels within the framework of the EU Program "In-Service Training".

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