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Evaluation of SMEs Support Program (SSP) in Syria

14 / 02 / 2011 (Damascus, Syria)

As a representative of the business sector, AFEI General Secretary attended the meeting that was organized by the EU Delegation with the objective to assess the accomplishments of the SMEs Support Program (SSP) financed by the EU.

The representative of  the EC pointed out that the objective of this meeting and subsequent meetings is to work on a final evaluation of the SSP which finished its activities mid 2010, and that the evaluation is using multiple criteria based on the inception report, the annual work reports, and the feedback from the private sector about accomplishments. He asserted that the aim is to identify the program's weaknesses in order to avoid them in the next phase.

Representative of the Ministry of Economy and Trade summarized the accomplishments of the program in the field of supporting the business sector (incubation) and supporting the ministry itself on policies/strategies level (awareness raising, and adopting a national definition of SMEs).

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