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Home > About AFEI > BOD Meeting of the Arab Iron & Steel Union
BOD Meeting of the Arab Iron & Steel Union

14 / 05 / 2012 - 15 / 05 / 2012 (Manama, Bahrain)

Upon invitation from the Arab Iron & Steel Union, AFEI representative attended the BOD meeting no. 104.

The board got updates from its members about the impact of the political situations on the manufacturers in Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

AISU BOD discussed about the reluctance of some members to pay membership fees, and decided to discuss suggestions to handle this issue from members through email, then to amend the bylaw accordingly.

It was agreed to hold the next BOD meeting in Tunisia on Nov. 2012.

The final activity was a field visit to the new facilities of SULB factories in Al-Had industrial zone.

Downloadable files:

Program, Press release

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