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Project for setting the National Policy for Science, Technology, and Innovation in Syria

01 / 01 / 2011 - 31 / 12 / 2011 (Damascus, Syria)

Within the project of Higher Commission for Scientific Research (HCSR) "Setting the national policy for science, technology, and innovation in Syria", the industry sector committee continued its activities and discussed its report titled "Analysis of the status-quo of the industry sector in Syria and future trends" in a workshop on March 2011 which was attended by the AFEI General Secretary and the consultant of AFEI Damascus Office.

The next step in the project was the formation of a work team for "Mechanisms of linking scientific research institutions with the industry and service sectors" with a resolution of the prime minister. The team assignment was to describe the current situation and relations between research institutions and manufacturing and service institutions, then to define requirements for coordination and linking these institutions and other related institutions. AFEI General Secretary is a member in the work team as a representative of the business sector, and he offered two contributions: a "proposed mechanism for enhancing the linkages between industry and scientific research", and "Ideas for activating the cooperation between industry and scientific institutions ".

HCSR continued the project activities with the sectoral committees and work teams, and established an information system for scientific research on its website with the objective of linking scientific research institutions, and strengthen the links and channels between researchers.

Related links:

HCSR website
Scientific Research Information System website
Activities of this project in 2010
Activities of this project in 2012

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